Thursday, July 21

So I said earlier I was gonna do some research on puppy play. And I did. :) There was a lot of junk information. And I found a few good things.

Here's a very generic definition of puppy play in case you don't know what it is.

Puppy Play: Sub is made to act like a puppy. Sub barks, whines, eats from a bowl, etc. Such play is almost never sexual, but rather focuses on the altered mind-space of bottom/pup.

That's a good definition of "what" puppy play is...and here was my favorite definition of "why" people might participate. I highlighted what the "Why" for me is.

"The reasons for playing such a character or animal can vary as much as the actual physical manifestations and intensity of the play. Some people enjoy being able to "cut loose" into a more dynamic
personality (see Were-creatures and the aforementioned Catwoman movie). In some cases, pet play is seen as a loving, quiet cuddling time where there is no need for verbalizations and the simple act of stroking, rubbing and holding the other partner is satisfying or reassuring in and of itself for those involved. For others, there may be a spiritual side to it. Some feel closer to their animal totem, while others may identify with something akin to a deeper side or part of their own psyche. For still others, there is the experience of power exchange setup in a context or structure which they can accept. Clearly, again, it depends on the people involved and what they bring to it or take from it. "

That whole set of webpages were pretty good.

I am so going to experiment with this. I thought my curiosity was piqued before, but now...... ::delightfully evil smile:: .

::whistling:: Here boi....come on.... ::wicked grin::


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