Tuesday, August 2

My stint as a rock star was....

not as glamorous as one may think.

How did it come to be? As a joke, one of my friends was thumbing through the Cosmopolitan magazine "All About Men" yearly issue. Do you know the one I mean? Where once a year they pick 50 bachelors...one from each state and make a magazine where women can write the oh so eligible hand picked cream of the crop men? Anyway, as a joke, my friend sent one of these guys my picture and a letter about how awesome I am. He responded and I explained to him that I was flattered but I had not given consent for my friend to send the letter. A very polite thanks but no thanks... It was just too weird for me to think about...especially since I am a lesbian. lol

Through common weirdness, I guess, we kept corresponding and he was a great guy. He had a very successful country rock band up there. They played all over the area including NYC. After we had talked for a while, he asked me to come visit him. I was just quitting one job and had 2 weeks free before I had to start my new one. Soooooooooooooo, you guessed it. I spent my whole paycheck and went to visit him in Connecticut. And I, well, I just stayed there. I didnt come back. I tossed my return ticket into the wind on the beach. I liked him and I loved the area and his band, so I stayed. Ahhh, youth and no responsibility. I drank life up every second that I could.

I got an amazing day job up there and managed his band at night. I lived in a tiny apartment with a balcony (a major perk in that area) All of that translated into tons of fun and no sleep. It was great. I did it for four years and it was a life changing experience for sure. I dont regret a second of it.

After those four years, I decided I wanted to come home to the South. I missed it and I got tired of people wanting to fist fight over a parking place. I lived in Stamford and it was getting to be like a burrough of NYC. It really broke his heart when I wanted to leave. That surprised me, but it was touching. I later got a copy of his new CD (written after I had left and obviously about me because they were all about Alabama) in the mail. It had several heartbreak songs on it about me. It made me cry. It was so sweet. I never loved him. Not the kind of love that inspires heartbreak songs, but I am glad he loved me that way because those songs are more to him than I could ever be. And the really funny part...the whole dedication was to his new girlfriend. lol

As an aside, and this is the absolute funniest part...Cosmo magazine called Chris (that was the hot rock star guy) the year after he had been in Cosmo to see if he had found someone. He said "yes" even though we werent exclusively dating or anything. I think he was just hoping they would mention his band in Cosmo. Cosmo flew us to NYC and did a huge photo shoot of us with elaborate make up artists and stylists, etc. and an article about how we had met through the magazine. It was a huge half page photo and the article title was....get ready...He Gets Misti. (Misti is my real name.) I guess I can say that I have appeared on the pages of Cosmo. lol Fancy, huh? My mom had about 20 copies of it. Bless her heart.



Blogger Dolphin said...

What I wouldn't give to see that issue...

11:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it kinds sounds like fun... i'd like to see that issue as well... it might event warrent a trip to the local library

10:41 PM  

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